B'nai Mitzvah Headquarters
B'nai Mitzvah Headquarters
The B’nai Mitzvah celebration is a joyous religious event for our Beth Or families. It is not only a coming of age, but also celebrates the assuming of adult Jewish responsibility. We very much look forward to sharing in this simcha with you.
We continuously strive to ensure that this sacred journey is full of learning and meaning for our B’nai Mitzvah students. We also want the B’nai Mitzvah experience to be stress-free for our B’nai Mitzvah families and to follow a process that is as simple as possible. Click on the photos below to access information and resources that will help guide you.
Our B’nai Mitzvah Team
Rabbi Jason Bonder - Rabbi Bonder looks forward to studying with your child. Together, they will take an in depth look at your child’s Torah portion so he or she will be prepared to write a beautiful D’Var Torah Speech.
Rabbi Melissa Lefkowitz - Rabbi Lefkowitz is your first stop on your child’s journey to their big day. In your first meeting, Rabbi Lefkowitz will give an overview of the process and discuss the meaning of B’nai Mitzvah ceremonies. In your second meeting, he will help your child prepare a Haftarah speech. Rabbi Lefkowitz also guides your child as they choose and complete a mitzvah project that interests them.
Barbara Murtha - Barbara will provide you with your login/password to use to schedule training sessions with Aaron Nielsenshultz. She helps coordinate meetings with Rabbi Bonder and coordinates the ushers and assists with any scheduling issues related to ushering. Make sure to send your child's Mitzvah Project summary and photo to Barbara for inclusion in Spotlight, Beth Or's e-newsmagazine, too!
Ellen Wichterman - Ellen helps schedule meetings with Rabbi Lefkowitz.
Sharon Carlin - Sharon schedules our B’nai Mitzvah dates!
Phil Nordlinger - Do you want guidance on the B'nai Mitzvah process? Do you want to discuss finances? Phil Nordlinger, our Executive Director, is the person to call! Phil will answer all of your questions and provide the personalized support you are looking for.
Jillian Peskin - Need help with building logistics? Jillian will help you book your extended Kiddush, luncheon or dinner celebration and coordinate logistics the weekend of your B’nai Mitzvah, and also work with you to reserve a time for your pre-B'nai Mitzvah photo shoot!
Tue, September 10 2024
7 Elul 5784
Upcoming Events
Friday ,
SepSeptember 13 , 2024Shabbat Worship honoring our local First Responders with Cantor Green and Guest Speaker Rev. Rodney Roehner
Friday, Sep 13th 7:30p
During this special Shabbat Worship service, we will honor all of our local first responders. Cantor Green is joining us on the bimah, and Rev. Rodney Roehner from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church who has joined us for services once a month since last Oct 7, will give the sermon, Click for more details. -
Friday ,
SepSeptember 13 , 2024Art Gallery Exhibit Opening: Featured Artist - Ilya Lerner
Friday, Sep 13th 8:45p
Join us in the Spain Lobby for an oneg following Shabbat Worship and stop by the Olitzky Art Gallery to see the work of our newest artist, Ilya Lerner. The exhibit continues through 11/6. -
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 14 , 2024Shabbat Worship and Bat Mitzvah of Maya Dortheimer
Shabbat, Sep 14th 11:00a
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 15 , 2024High Holy Days Food Drive
Sunday, Sep 15th (All day)
We are collecting non-perishable canned and boxed food for Bethlehem Baptist Church Food Pantry and Mattie Dixon Food Pantry. Drop off in the marked bin in the main entrance vestibule, 9/15 - 9/29. Chairs: Susy Krimker, susykrimker@gmail.com and Margie Chachkin, chachkin@aol.com -
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 15 , 2024
Sunday, Sep 15th 10:00a to 11:00a
Are you from the Bucks County area and looking to meet other local families? Stop by the Shmear Cafe for coffee and schmoozing after Sunday School drop off. Click for details.