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C4C: Clubs 4 Community

Clubs 4 Community is your place to make friends within the Beth Or family by participating in congregant-run special interest clubs.

Our current club offerings are listed below. Please reach out to the captains with your questions and interest. They will get back to you with more details about their meetings and activities, and add you to their club list.

Don’t see a club for you? Please fill out this C4C Club Interest Form if you want to lead a new club.

Questions? Contact Director of Member Engagement, Jillian Peskin or C4C Chair, Lisa Rosan

We look forward to building community together!


Best Sellers Book & Schmooze Club

Club Captains: Claudia Leslie, and Stephanie Lubin,

The goal of this club is the share our love of books & reading. We will get together quarterly to discuss the books we've selected and schmooze. Of course, we will also enjoy some wine & snacks together.


Canasta Club

Club Captain: Melisa Lubinski,

Are you a Canasta player? A seasoned one? Want to learn? This is the club for you! Join us twice a month for fun and schmoozing with your Beth Or friends!


Day Trip Club 

Club Captain: Iris Simon,

Do you like to visit new places, see new exhibits and enjoy new experiences? This is the club for you! Join organized day trips with other Beth Or congregants. A few trips have been identified - we want to hear from you for more ideas! 


In the Name of Spirits Club

Club Captain: Hillary Wagner,

This club focuses on information, history and sampling of all the major spirits. Outings include tours of local distilleries.


Hiking & Walking Club

Club Captain: Merryl Meyers, merrylbeth@verizon.net215-275-3004

This club is for getting outside to walk, appreciate nature and discover new places while enjoying the company of friends. Hikes and walks will be be local with an occasional further location if there's interest.


Kadima (Onward) Club: For those in search of community after loss

Club Captain: Rabbi Bonder,

This C4C group is meant for those who carry the memory of a loved one in their hearts while searching for strength and support through community. Activities include book discussions, group meetups for coffee, and much more. If you have recently experienced a loss and are looking for social activities with those who are going through a similar stage of life - reach out.


Knitters Club

Club Captain: Faye Benshetler,

Join our knitting club, affectionately know as the Beth Or Hookers! We meet twice a month to knit together in person. Most things we knit (and crochet) are donated to various charities including CHOP, Fox Chase Cancer Center and Mitzvah Circle.


Peloton Club: #BethOrRides

Club Captain: Ken Harris,

Taking classes on a Peloton bike is great fun, not to mention, a wonderful way to stay in shape. Even more fun is riding with "friends". For this club, we can, but don't have to, do live rides together or, for more flexibility, do classes on demand together or just look for each other on the leaderboard whenever we do a ride. Join the group #BethOrRides and give out high fives to encourage our Beth or friends and neighbors. (Don't forget to share your leaderboard name with Ken, so he can circulate it with the group.)


Song Circle Club

Club Captain: Gary Freedman, freedlaw@aol.com267-241-8380

Come with your favorite musical instrument, all voices welcome - song sheets will be provided. We will gather the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7pm - 9pm. Please bring beverages & snacks to share!


Tai Chi Club

Club Captain: Howard Blum,, 215-802-0052

This club provides teaching and practicing of Tai Chi for people of all ages and abilities. Tai Chi is a moving meditation. Practitioners report improved health, while achieving a meditative calm. We focus on Cheng Man-Ching's 37 posture short form. When indoors, chairs can be provided for those who prefer a seated position. We also discuss the historic significance of Tai Chi as one of the oldest and softest martial art forms. Our club meets for 1-hour every Wednesday at Beth Or (indoor location is Rosenfeld Social Hall or downstairs Community Room) with your choice of time, 11am or 5:15pm. We are always interested in attracting new member participation. There is no attendance record, so members come and go as they please.  Our motto is, “Stay Sung” (relax - both mind and body). We are all beginners; even after we have learned the form, we still depend on a beginners mind.


Women in the Torah Discussion Club

Club Captains: Beth Rabinowitz, & Toby Sterling,

Do you want to dig deeper into learning about inspiring women in the Torah like Lilith, Sarah, Miriam & Ruth? Join other Beth Or women to study the women of the Torah & more! The group will choose a leader/ teacher to guide them in discussion.


Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785