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Special Mitzvot


Mitzvah Months takes place throughout the months of November and December. There are a variety of opportunities to participate through collection drives and hands-on activities that take place at Beth Or and in the community. Mitzvah month culminates with an annual day of giving on December 25, Mitzvas Day! Contact Susy Krimker or Margie Chachkin for additional information.

Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month (JDAIM) is celebrated in February. During this month we highlight all of the ways Beth Or provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for all every day of the year. Contact Phil Nordlinger with any questions.

Jacob’s Ladder program is led by Rabbi Marx for our B’nai Mitzvah students. Participants meet together with Rabbi to determine a variety of charities to support with a portion of their b’nai mitzvah money allocated for tzedakah. Contact Rabbi Bonder for additional information.

Wed, September 11 2024 8 Elul 5784