Parents Page & Resources
Parents Page, Registration & Resources
Parent Resources, Registration & Important Forms
2024/25 School Year Registration
Please email Sara Baum or Sharon Carlin or call the CECE office, 215-646-8869, to inquire about available openings for Infants, Tots, First Steppers & Two-Year-Olds classes. Click the links for Three-Year Olds, and Four-Year-Olds/Pre-K class registration forms.
Parents Committee
We encourage parents to get involved with the Center for Early Childhood Education (CECE) to the extent that they are able to do so. There are many different levels of participation. We understand that some parents have a lot of time and energy to commit while others are more limited.
The Parents Committee provides guidance to the Director of Early Childhood Education. The chairperson of this committee must be a Beth Or member, while committee members are comprised of CECE parents who may or may not be members of the synagogue. The committee meets throughout the year in the evening and is involved with parent social events, fundraisers and mitzvah projects.
For more information about this committee or how to get more involved, please e-mail our committee chairs, Sloane O'Dea, Rachel Heller, Reshma Stone & Rachael Berman
Inclement Weather Announcements
In case of a weather situation that necessitates the closing/late opening of the CECE, we will post an announcement on our closed CECE Facebook group page, the home page of the Beth Or website, send an e-mail blast and an announcement through the Remind app to our CECE distribution list in as timely a manner as possible.
CECE Events
We host events throughout the year that are beloved by our children and CECE families! Below, scroll through a description of some of our favorites! Check the website calendar for upcoming dates, or contact your child's teacher.
High Holy Days Family and Tot Services - An interactive and lively service geared toward young children and their families. All CECE families are welcome to come and enjoy.
Sukkot Family Festival of Fun - School may be closed but the fun doesn’t stop! We hold exciting activities such as music and crafts in and around our Beth Or Sukkah. This fun morning blends multi-generations together to share in the joy of this harvest holiday.
Munchkin Minyan Services and Dinners - These Shabbat services take place the first Friday of the month during the school year and bring together families from each age group for a “mini” service filled with singing, stories and fun. The service is followed by an optional family Shabbat dinner (RSVP required) so families have the opportunity to sit down for a Shabbat meal together with friends and share in joy of the start of a relaxing weekend.
Classroom Chanukah Candle Lighting - During each morning of Chanukah, the classes come together in the Sanctuary to light the Menorah and recite the prayers. It is a time for the children to learn the ritual of lighting the candles, saying the prayers and reflecting in the beauty of the glow of the menorah from the bema.
Purim Schpiel and Parade - Anything goes at Purim time! Each class makes their way in their Purim costumes to the Sanctuary in a parade while families line the “parade route”. Once the parade is over, the children are witness to a one-of-a-kind Purim Shpiel involving members of the clergy and senior staff.
Breakfast with Buddies - Several times a year, we welcome the special people in the lives of our children to join us in the Social Hall for a yummy breakfast and great conversations!
Israel Week - We celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut with a week filled of Israel themed activities. The children “fly on an airplane” with their “passports” in hand and “visit” different cities in Israel. Lessons are geared to the city that they are visiting and whether it’s our infant room or our pre-k room, the children are excited about their journey to our homeland!
Bike Day - Get your helmets ready! Children bring their bikes to school and ride our bike path. Emergency vehicles come to school for hand on experiences with our special community helpers. The Beth Or town shops open for children to learning about different parts of our community.
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Sh'vat 5785
Upcoming Events
Monday ,
FebFebruary 10 , 2025Meals that Matter
Monday, Feb 10th 10:00a to 12:00p
Meet in the Beth Or kitchen to prepare meals for KLEINLIFE seniors. All are welcome! Chairs: Beth Rabinowitz, and Toby Sterling, -
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 11 , 2025
Tuesday, Feb 11th 7:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Shabbat Worship
Shabbat, Feb 15th 11:00a
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 16 , 2025No Judaics, Rishon or YOBO
Sunday, Feb 16th (All day)
Monday ,
FebFebruary 17 , 2025
Monday, Feb 17th (All day)
Contact Us
Congregation Beth Or
239 E. Welsh Road
Maple Glen, PA 19002
Main Office: 215-646-5806
Religious School: 215-646-7417
Early Childhood: 215-646-8869
Upcoming Events
Monday ,
FebFebruary 10 , 2025Meals that Matter
Monday, Feb 10th 10:00a to 12:00p
Meet in the Beth Or kitchen to prepare meals for KLEINLIFE seniors. All are welcome! Chairs: Beth Rabinowitz, and Toby Sterling, -
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 11 , 2025
Tuesday, Feb 11th 7:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Shabbat Worship
Shabbat, Feb 15th 11:00a
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 16 , 2025No Judaics, Rishon or YOBO
Sunday, Feb 16th (All day)
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