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Sushi Sake Sukkah 2022

Friday, October 14 | 5:30pm

Join us for our annual Sushi, Sake, Sukkah program for adults, with a new exciting program for our kiddos! 

ADULTS: Enjoy free sushi from Vic and live music in the Goldstein Sukkah! The Brotherhood Beer Garden will be back this year, too! 

Due to high demand for kids program & babysitting, we are unable to accommodate any more kids & babysitting RSVPs. Adults are still welcome to RSVP until the deadline of October 8.

KIDS: There is fun for the kids too! What Knott Farms will be here with a full petting zoo for all kids in K - 6th grade. (In the case of rain, we will show a movie.) After the petting zoo, kids are invited to a pizza dinner!

BABYSITTING: Available for all children 3 months through PreK. Babysitting is only available for those who have RSVP'd in advance. 

ALL: After the program, everyone is invited to Shabbat worship in the Sanctuary under our beautiful Bimah Sukkah. 

RSVP below by October 8. 
Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784