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Annual Appeal

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“The more tzedakah, the more peace.” Pirke Avot 2:7

The Annual Appeal is a significant component of our synagogue’s budget, supplementing dues, fees, endowments, and designated gifts. The Annual Appeal provides Beth Or with the ability to remain a stronghold for Jewish life where we strengthen Jewish identity in the next generation. It has enabled us to enhance our vibrant synagogue community built upon the traditional pillars of our faith - tzedakah, tikkun olam and gemilut chasadim.

We ask you to make Congregation Beth Or a philanthropic priority by contributing each year to Annual Appeal. To express our gratitude, contributors’ names will appear in an annual development publication for Beth Or as well as in the Roberts Rotunda on the Annual Appeal tribute wall featuring the current year’s contributors.

Please consider joining our circle of giving at one of the levels listed below. If you are a Beth Or member who would like to consider one of our new membership levels that incorporates your Annual Appeal gift with your membership commitment, please review our Beth Or Give Once Campaign information.

  • Torah Circle - $18,000+ Allows 7 families with financial difficulties to join Beth Or
  • Rabbi's Circle - $7,500+ Enables 11 children to attend religious school on scholarships
  • Jerusalem Circle $3,000+ Supports membership fo 3 senior adults living on fixed incomes
  • Mitzvah Circle - $1,000+ Engages teens with Jewish leadership development training
  • Tzedakah Circle - $540+ Supports 1 creative new program for lifelong learning
  • Chai Circle - $180+ Provides books and supplies for 3 religious school students in need
  • Chaverim Circle - Any amount. Thank you for your commitment 

*Torah, Rabbi, Jerusalem and Mitzvah Circle donors receive 1 parking spot in the Beth Or lot for High Holy Days.

For more information about the Annual Appeal, please contact Executive Director, Phil Nordlinger or Development Chair, Jennie Nerenberg.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784